
October 10, 2007


Filed under: Karia, Life, NaNo, Writing — angelkat @ 3:24 am

Okay, so it is October. It has been in the 90’s here for the last 4 days and today was in the mid 70’s.

 I have been working on outlining my choice of novel for N aNo this year. I have quite a bit to go, but I write when the situation let’s me.

My parents house is getting a new roof in the rear and because of my asthma, I am at a friends house until at least Friday. I plan on doing some mega writing this weekend, though.

I am gonna work on a schedule too so that on the days that I come over to my friends, I can write before we do anything else.

I have the 31st off from comming over so that they can trick or treat with their son. I may take the first off too so that I can get my first batch of words done.

It has been mentioned to me that if you don’t do the first week on schedule, you fall behind and I am not going to cram.

Off to bed…..

August 22, 2007

Karia Charaters

Filed under: Karia — angelkat @ 9:11 pm

Alexandros: He is the Heir of the Empire of Windsong. The son of Galatea and Himlar, brother to Lavinia and betrothed to Delia.

He stands 6’1″ and weighs about 230 pounds. He has long wavey black hair and eyes that are such a dark blue that they appear to be purple. He has tanned skin.

He loves horses and raises them. He’d much rather be with them or in a tavern drinking instead of carrying out his royal duties.

Delia: Delia stands 5’0″ and weighs 100 pounds. This makes her look more fragile then she really is, but she has hidden strength.

She has light blonde hair that hangs to her waist and light blue eyes. Her skin is pale and burns easily. Her eyes darken with her moods. Her voice is soft.

She hates suffering of any kind and loves animals. Her ablity to heal both man and beast makes her a well known healer.

Morae, her owl companion is a gift to her from Iscot as a token of his love for her, but the Priesthood sees it differently.

She has no doubts that the Gods are there.

She yearns to be loved and noticed for herself. She feels pain when she sees Orestes and Lavinia together. She doesn’t think that she’s pretty and is surprised when Alex pays attention to her. She is so wrapped up in her job that she thinks that she has no time for love, but Alex proves her wrong.

She is the younger sister to Yearann and daughter of Malik and Xanthe. She is also Alex’s cousin.

Lavinia: She stands 5’4″ and weighs 120 pounds. She has light brown hair and grey eyes. She is slender and has a light tan in the warmer months.

She has a good singing voice and is very graceful.

She likes the outdoors and spends a great deal 0f time there.

She feels a need to protect Delia from the first time that they meet.  She stays clear of Rina as much as she can.

Her weapon of choice is a sword.

She knows that the Gods exist beyond of shadow of a doubt.  She helps Alex with his jobs as the Heir even though it should rightfully be hers.  She is a champion of the poor of the land.

She composes songs and poems a nd her talent has earned her an honorary membership in the Guild.  She fears the Prophecy even though she knows that it must come true.

Orestes: He is tall and well built. He stands 5’11 amd weighs 200 pounds. He has curly brown hair and dark brown eyes.

He is well versed in all things magical.  He falls for Lavinia as he trains her to use a sword and her magic.

He serves the Gods because it is expected of him as the eldest son, but he doesn’t believe in them, though he learns that they do after finding his faith.

He is close to Delia. (He’s closer to her then his parents are.)

He is the one who crowns Alex’s uncle in Alex’s place (by force) and judges and condemns Delia, which hurts him deeply because he sees no other way out of that situation.

Rina: She stands 5’0″ tall and weighs 100 pounds. She has long copper colored hair and  dark blue eyes. Her hair is what marks her as Iscot’s own from the start.

She’d give her life for Iscot if he asked her to. She is not a full vampire, but she does have the ability to shape shift.

She is the leader of the Assassins Guild. Animals freak out whenever sheis near them due to her vampiric state.

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