
October 10, 2007

Yes…. I Know…..

Filed under: Life, NaNo, Writing — angelkat @ 3:25 am

I have been doing alot of things and a little writing. I was invited to go with a firend in November to a wedding in Provo.

Yeah, it is right in the middle of NaNo, which bugs me, but at this point I dunno if I will be attending, I do know I will be doing NaNo. 🙂

 In other news I have been doing alot of background work for Karia becuase I am going to work on it for my writing.

I also spent tonight watching Highlander: The Source and I have mixed reviews on it.

I am not gonna give details on it, what I will say is that like all of the others, the graphics are beautiful and Adrian Paul is poetry in motion. The end of the movie will leave you open-mouthed and in shock!


Filed under: Karia, Life, NaNo, Writing — angelkat @ 3:24 am

Okay, so it is October. It has been in the 90’s here for the last 4 days and today was in the mid 70’s.

 I have been working on outlining my choice of novel for N aNo this year. I have quite a bit to go, but I write when the situation let’s me.

My parents house is getting a new roof in the rear and because of my asthma, I am at a friends house until at least Friday. I plan on doing some mega writing this weekend, though.

I am gonna work on a schedule too so that on the days that I come over to my friends, I can write before we do anything else.

I have the 31st off from comming over so that they can trick or treat with their son. I may take the first off too so that I can get my first batch of words done.

It has been mentioned to me that if you don’t do the first week on schedule, you fall behind and I am not going to cram.

Off to bed…..

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