
August 23, 2007

Movie Watching as I Write

Filed under: Life — angelkat @ 2:13 pm

Today I felt moved to watch a dvd while I was working on some stuff for Karia. The movie was entitled The Other Side of Heaven.

For those that have not seen it, it is about an LDS missionary that goes to Tonga and serves there.  The movie speaks a great deal about Faith.

There are many things that go wrong and where he could have given up, but his faith in Heavenly Father kept him going and shows that if you believe and trust Him, then the impossible can be possible.  I think that this is the one thing that is going to help keep me going with my writing.

On a personal level, things are okay considering that I am sitting in a town not directly touched by the floods. Now had the rain had come down here instead of the our south, then we would have been dealing with it here. That may be a blessing in disguise.

More later. I have a dvd on Campbell and the Hero’s Journey to watch and will probably post something on that.

So far the dvd’s I want to add to my collection are:

  1. God’s Army
  2. God’s Army: State of Grace
  3. The Other Side of Heaven

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